Full course Frontend Developer

FrontEnd developer is one of the most popular IT specialties. In this course you will learn how to create web pages using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Also, you will learn all the required elements of JavaScript language. The second half of the FrontEnd course will focus on learning TypeScript and one of the most popular frameworks – Angular.

During the course, you will gain practical skills by doing homework and working with a trainer, and by developing a graduation project – you will gain invaluable practical experience and create the first project for your portfolio.


  1. HTML5, CSS3 for beginners
    The HTML5&CSS3 Beginner course consists of 10 logically interconnected lessons where students apply practical theoretical knowledge of HTML5&CSS3 technologies to create simple web page elements.
  2. JavaScript Starter

Introduction to JavaScript. Variables and data types
Strings and operators
Logical structures
Arrays and loops

  1. Git basics
    The distributed version control system Git has long been a leader among similar project management tools. Today, its use in team development has become a kind of standard.
  2. JavaScript Basic

Search for elements and DOM tree
Changing the DOM tree. CSS styles
Events. Part 1
Events. Part 2
Events. Part 3
Constructor functions
Classes. Inheritance
Context of the function
Forms and controls
Validation of form data
Cookies and Web Storage
Exception handling
Asynchronous code. Promise
Network requests
Practical lesson
Practical lesson

  1. HTML5 and CSS3 Advanced
    HTML5 is already implemented in a large number of browsers and soon we will witness an unprecedented increase in performance, interactivity and scalability of web applications.
  2. React Essential
    In this course, students will write a small application using React, learn how to break it into logical parts and components, practice writing styles with CSS Modules, and get acquainted with the basic concepts of writing an application using this platform. React is a very popular JavaScript framework used in building user interfaces of web applications.
  3. TypeScript Fundamentals
    TypeScript is a programming language for developing web applications, which is a superset of JavaScript and has stricter rules and typing. Many modern frameworks use TypeScript. If you are going to learn Angular or another similar tool, then this course is for you. In this course you will learn everything you need to start using this programming language.
  4. Angular
    Angular is a popular JavaScript framework used to create Single Page Applications with a single interface. As a result, the developer gets an efficient web application with code that is easy to read and maintain.