

ASP.NET Core course is devoted to the basics of building modern web applications using technologies from Microsoft. In this course you will get acquainted with various web application templates based on the cross-platform framework ASP.NET Core, learn the features of web application architecture, get acquainted with the MVC (Model-View-Controller) template, learn how to interact with databases using Entity Framework Core. After completing the course, you will understand the principles of web application design, be able to organize the correct work with different types of web requests.


Introduction. MVC template. Middleware
Overview of ASP.NET Core.
Architectural pattern of MVC.
Familiarity with the structure of the application.

The routing system.
Generation of outgoing URLs.
Setting up the routing system.

Controllers. Results of actions
Algorithm of request processing in MVC application.
Methods of action of controllers.
Results of actions. Types of ActionResult.

Layout and partial representations
Syntax of Razor.
Master page _Layout.cshtml.
Using sections.
Partial views.

Storing state
Stateless and Statefull services.
The life cycle of the controller.
State storage on the client.
State storage on the server.

Implementation of dependencies
Inversion of Control. Dependency Injection.
What is dependency.
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core.
Captured Dependencies.
Using multiple dependencies with one interface.
Implementation of dependencies in action methods.
Using dependencies for middleware.

Model binding
The concept of model binding.
Binding of simple types.
Binding of complex types.
Binding of collections.
Determining the source for data binding.

Forms and validation
Creating forms using descriptor auxiliary classes.
Model attributes for managing descriptor auxiliary classes.
Attributes for model validation.
Validation of the model on the server side.
Validation of the model on the client side.

Action filters.
Asynchronous action filters.
Filters of results.
Hybrid filters.
Exception filters.
Implementing dependencies in filters.
Global filters.

Configurations and logging
Introduction to configuration in ASP.NET Core.
An example of reading settings from appsettings.config.
Reading environment variables.
Binding classes to configuration data.
Using logging in ASP.NET Core.
Using LogFactory.
Writing messages to a file.
Using of centralized logging systems.